Monday, June 29, 2009

To boldly go (UPDATED)

and here we are. The 29th of June 2009. D-Day. I know I'm cheating somewhat as I was to stop blogging by the 29th, though I did say as of the 29th. My reason for the half a cheat is as follows....

I had started this post yesterday evening on my mobile but my battery went dead. Also it went dead at the worst time possible. Long story but in short :

I went to Harmonstown train station to catch the last dart home. A mate walked me to the station after spending the evening in his and getting introduced to his new kitten. It was to be my 3rd train journey that day from Harmonstown as I was out Saturday night (all this Pride lark...) and stayed over. Went home and back out again.

When we got to the station it was 5 mins to the train so we walked down to the platform. When we got down to the platform two total knack bags walked passed and barged into him and then turned and said to him something along the lines of "are you alright mate" in a really nasty tone, got right up in his face and asked us for money, or more so demanded it. We just said no, and turned away a bit so not to be making eye contact with them. They walked off anyway after exchanging one or two more words "watch your back" and the likes. These two "men" I'd say were mid 30's and out of their tree on whatever drugs they had ingested that evening. The tea towel on his head somewhat gave that impression away before they even opened their mouth.. Anyway all they wanted was trouble but with "people" like this while you would love to hit them a smack, you don't know what they could be carrying.

Anyway it turned out they had tried to rob a few people at the station minutes before and the police were called and already on their way. They actually caught them a minute or two away from the station. I guess there is some justice out there.



I've done this blog for well over a year now. About a year and a half if I'm correct and it's honestly something I've really enjoyed doing. There was never any reason to why I blogged, I just found it a really handy way of gathering and storing all the random stuff I'd come across online. Also it was great for personal stuff like pictures and general memories from holidays, night outs, concerts and the likes.

I spent a good few hours over the weekend actually going through my whole blog. Month by month, year by year. It's actually crazy it look back on as it really does bring back a lot of memories. Some that make me smile and others that just make me, well feel sad and wishful I could go back in time.

If you have a blog, look back since you started and you might be surprised how many memories there is. Though I guess that's dependent on what type blog you have.

I always used to think it would be cool to keep a diary, as gay as that may seem. I remember years and years and years ago I tried this for all of 3 months. Within that 3 months there was a lot of teenager lark put in it "went to a mates house, drank 1.5 cans I'm so crazy...." or "went to Game and got the new Zelda/Mario game". I stopped after 3 months when the only thing I put in it was just "nothing interesting, same as yesterday". I remember about a year later during a tidy round I found it and thinking how surreal but cool it was looking back at the stuff.

So this is the diary I never had I guess. One that I've kept for a year and a half... and counting.

I'm not stopping the blog forever I don't think, just merely taking a bit of a break. The reason I'm taking the break is that I've found of late my reasons to blog have become somewhat of an effort, putting out too much how I'm feeling at the time and worrying if posts will be taken up as having other meanings and so on.

I just have too much going on right now, I'm a bundle of emotions I guess but to move on, you have to let go of the past and try and put a plan of action before you, even if it does feel erratic. Everyone needs to move from bad or rough times, even though it may be hurtful. I have tried to do this over the past two months. It sure aint easy and every step of the way is filled with doubt, worry, regret while hopeful at the same time.

Over the next few months I have a few things I'm really going to try my best to do. Both for myself and for others. If you don't try you'll never know. Life is what you make it, and I know you have to just keep on trying.

So as I said in my last post, stay healthy & happy, enjoy life be it with friends, family or loved ones. Enjoy the summer, enjoy holidays and just enjoy life in general. That's what I'm really trying to do.

Take care


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