Wednesday, October 28, 2009


In today Metro Mail :

"I was bitten by a spider two days ago. Does anyone know when the
transformation takes place?


Monday, October 19, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

One down...

So I said I'd write a very quick post now that I'm back and some what
over the post holiday blues.

Was home last week and had a few days off before I was back to work. I
tell you I needed it as for the first time in my life I had jet lag.

Anyway I started back in work yesterday and the day went surprisingly
well. It's rare to come back off holiday and there not be something
waiting for you.

It's hard to believe it's mid Oct already. Like seriously WTF. I've
even noticed Selection Boxes in the shops...

Speaking of Christmas for the first time in a very very long time I'm
kinda looking forward to it. For various reasons I guess. It'll fly in
that's all I know. I better get saving !!!

Anyway that's all for now but I'm sure if any rubbish comes into my
head I'll let you all know.... :-S

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009

Dusti Clarke R.I.P 09/10/2009

Missing since last night I searched everyplace. Then this morning I searched in the day light and eventually found her. Knocked down and left at the side of the road, to die or dead on impact. It's life insignificant to the driver.

I had you only a short time, but I cared for you greatly. I'll miss you.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Guess I'm not blogging anymore tonight...


Rather Funny

My feet have hardly touched the ground and I've already started planning.

So as I reported a good few weeks back I picked New Zealand over Japan for this year. It boiled down to a few different factors but Japan is "closer" so I picked New Zealand lol.

They always held equal interest to me.

Japan for its oddness, technology, culture, landscape and bullet train to name a few. It's somewhat A.D.H.D culture in the cities.

New Zealand, as from a young child I was always fascinated by how far away it seemed on the map. The fact it's the youngest country, it's relatively recent history. It's geography/scenery & how it was a country I didn't know much about.

So I've already got the ball rolling with booking and what not. It won't be till this time next year as Japan's autumn falls from Sept - Nov which is considered it's most beautiful season.

All of this is health, job, money, Jesus allowing that is. Like I said anything I do comes from my own pocket and after New Zealand they are one lot of empty pockets.

Next year is going to be mental I feel. A lot on, and a lot of idea's out there. Plus of course my best friends wedding which if I am correct is Halloween 2010. Which I am the best man. I just got sick in my mouth thinking about it.

I've already ear marked some of the places I intended to visit. Will hope to do at least 2.5 - 3 week stint there. I'll do it the same as how I done New Zealand. Travel from one end to the other.

Like I said all of this is health, job, money, Jesus allowing but if it happens this will the 3rd and final place from the 3 places I've wanted to visit the most, and for the longest. New York, New Zealand & Japan. Of course there is lots of places since I really wanted to visit or have visited but these were always my top 3.

This is so funny

Oh, The Temptation from Steve V on Vimeo.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

True and not just in relation to schizophrenics!

"Although it is the mother who contributes mostly in producing the conditions which we are about to describe, we usually find in the history of schizophrenics that both parents have failed the child, often for different reasons.

Frequently the combination is as follows :

A domineering, nagging, and hostile mother who gives the child no chance to assert himself, is married to a dependant, weak man, too weak to help the child.

A father who dares not protect the child . . . because he is not able to oppose her strong personality is just as crippling to the child as the mother is."

Silvano Arieti,
Interpretation of Schizophrenia

Saturday, October 3, 2009


I was going to write a big long post about something. Though I have decided against this.

Simply I'm never going to a "source" of information again.

It just does me no favors on various different levels. It knows this also. I don't mean this in any smart, nasty or any other way. I just can't do it anymore. I could say more, but really there is no point. Oh and before anyone asks, yes no one ever forced me in the first place.

Thats all I have to say.

Thursday, October 1, 2009