I said I'd give a quick update and my apologies for the delay in doing so. In fact my apologies for the lack over overall posts in recent months.
1) Just after finishing doing some study for the repeat of the exam I failed a few months ago. I needed 65% to pass and I got 60%. Two questions short. So near but yet so far. Anyway the repeat is on Saturday but I'll be perfectly honest and say I know I wont get it this time either. I had a break of 3 weeks between sitting the last exam and getting the result, I was on holiday then also. Between that and work taking up so much time and energy the bridge to get that extra 5% has yet to be built. To find the time to study at the minute and to be able to study on the back of feeling under total and utter pressure & stress is impossible I find. Anyway 3rd times a charm and all that.....
2) Off to Brussels next Saturday for a weekend away. Flight is at 7.20am which is grand as it wont mean giving up a morning/day to get there when you only have the weekend . Have the Monday off so it'll be something to look forward to.
3) Speaking of next weekend, as I'll be going there after work on Friday to stay that could be (maybe before but as yet I'm not sure what their/my plans are) when I meet the other part of the family that I so far have been very warmly welcomed into
. Home for a week from the US and only the odd line or two over facebook... I'm a little scared... or at least I'm told I should be.
4) My best friend Tony has set the date for his wedding. 23/10/10. Venue and church booked. It's just a matter of turning up and not taking a nervous breakdown doing the speech (best man). I need a stiff one (drink) even thinking about it.
5) Something I never thought would happen to me has happened :-)
6) Something I never thought I could obtain may happen within the next 6 mths, I've the first part done, or the first step or whatever you want to call it. Though it wasn't exactly hard as it's within my profession lol. I looked into it a year ago but it wasn't an option. Just with the world as it is, and how crap it is, it is good for this.
7) The only main concern of mine at the moment is my fathers health and the possible consequences this will have/the impact it will have. The tests will hopefully give us a better idea. But this isn't something for this blog but I thought I'd share it.
8) Apart from 7 with everything going good, the old Brant pops his head up and wonders when will it all come crashing down. I really hope it doesn't. I really do.