Little story about this game. A very sentimental one at that for me.
Many moons ago when the NES was has hot as a hot brick, I used to love looking at all the new games in Bamba Toymaster in the Dun Laoghaire Shopping Centre. My mouth used to water at the idea of getting some of the games but alas the only time I got a game was either for my birthday or Christmas. Anyway one time my mum was doing the usual dragging me and my sisters around "Quinnsworth" and picking up a few Yellow Pack Pizza's no doubt (which were like the penis of Jesus himself or the urine of Mother Teresa they were so good. Hey whats better than cheap nice pizza?).
Anyway I remember asking if I could go up for a look and so we all went up. Now at the time I think games might have been like 20 pounds or something like that. On the NES games display they had this cool looking game with a price tag of 10 POUNDS !!!. I straight away done the "but mummmmmmmmmmmmmmm its ONLY 10 pounds...... its so cool.... look at the box....". She had none of it and we left and I left empty handed sulking all the way home I'm sure doing the usual kid thing.
Anyway not sure how long after that, days, weeks, not really sure but I was passing Toymaster with my day on a day out with him and I asked if I could go in for a look. The game was there and out of the blue my dad goes "do you want to get it". My little heart nearly exploded and I grabbed it, made him rush home and played it for hours on end. I remember I was so HAPPY and thought my dad was the shit.
On a side note I remember there was a level I could not get passed (as in the two videos below). Seems like everyone had the same problem. Was so odd as I always finished games. So odd to see it again after all this time and I remember it as if it was yesterday. CRAZY
The bitter pill to swallow part of this story is I remember selling the game a few months after, or maybe exchanged it with a mate. But I remember after doing it I felt so guilty and that stayed with me for so long. Even now I have a wave of guilt thinking about it. As it was one of the rare times me and my dad done something and looking back 10 pounds was a LOT of money to us back then. It was like I sold off the good memory, deed he done for me so out of the blue.
Anyway its a nice overall memory. One of my childhood so so long gone.
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