A mere 22 years ago..... 11/08/1986
Funny story about that birthday. My mum and dad took me and my two sisters into town as a treat to the park and to a few toy stores (for a look only if I remember right,,,,) and they took us to the Shelbourne Hotel for some cake as they used to do a tea and cake thing (not as a we are rich thing, everyone in Dublin used to do it)... Anyway a man came over a noticed it was my birthday and told my mum and dad some Famous Puppets and Puppeteers were staying in the hotel so the man took me and my two sisters up to see them (again I think my sisters were with me....). Anyway I remember him opening the door very quick into some room and there was a load of puppets in the room. Not only was is freaky as hell looking back a man asking to bring a small boy up to a room to look at puppets sounds like the start of a sick (but funny no doubt) joke.... Good old 1986 when parents just let their kids off.... tell ya !!
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