So over the last few months I've become weary with Facebook. Not Facebook itself because ultimately its a great communication tool. In saying that it's the lack of communication on it that bothers me. That and the communication that is on it and it's overall use is either self gloating, self publication, voyeuristic and of course pure rubbish that people feel the need to share. I myself can be found guilty of all of the above.
So over the last few months I've started deleting people I'm "Friends" with on Facebook. Some because I feel if I don't talk to the person outside of Facebook well then we weren't really friends in the first place. Some because I wanted to see if they would make the effort to keep in touch if I felt the ball was more in their court for them to make the effort. So far none of those people have contacted in any shape or form.
So with that it leaves me feeling like I only want to be friends with people on Facebook if they are true friends. Friends that you'll talk to on and off Facebook.
So the next time you are on Facebook and it prompts you to "Friends you may know" or the "Find Friends" screen ask yourself before adding anyone else are you really friends with the people you have added already and are you really friends with the person you want to add.