the night before I go or in fact the morning before I go should I say.
Tired but yet can't sleep. Excited yet stressed and anxious due to the fact I have an exam in the afternoon which I could really do without especially as it's a regulation exam. About as interesting as rice cakes. I cant stomach rice cakes and I cant stomach anything regulation wise. I cant digest rice cakes and I cant digest the information if I aint interested.
Today is going to be one long day. It's now 1.36am on the 19th Sept. I'm up at 9am to try and do a bit more study (and get down on my knees and pray). The exam is on at 2pm so after it's done (possibly 2.01...) I'll have to head home, finish packing and do a few bits. Sisters are coming up I think for dinner. I'm sure I'll double check everything in a panic that I've left something out and then I'll head over to _ house on the DART (train service). Plan is to stay up and then I'll get the taxi from there at 5am as I need to be at the airport at 5.30am.
I'll fly to London Heathrow. Get on the connecting flight, pop a pill and hopefully wake up in Singapore. Well that's the plan at least....