Saturday, February 21, 2009

there's a lil lamb out there saying

There's still good out there I tells ya!!!. This is just to mark what someone did and the fact they saved it's life, a life after all !!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Some of the LEGEND that is Patrick Bateman

Patrick Bateman: [voice-over] There is a moment of sheer panic when I realize that Paul's apartment overlooks the park... and is obviously more expensive than mine.

Patrick Bateman: I don't want to get you drunk, but, ah, that's a very fine Chardonnay you're not drinking.

Patrick Bateman: Not quite blonde, are we? More of a dirty blonde.

Patrick Bateman: Well, he was probably a closet homosexual who did a lot of cocaine. That whole Yale thing.

Patrick Bateman: Paul Allen has mistaken me for this dickhead Marcus Halberstram. It seems logical because Marcus also works at P&P and in fact does the same exact thing I do and he also has a penchant for Valentino suits and Oliver Peoples glasses. Marcus and I even go to the same barber, although I have a slightly better haircut.

Courtney Rawlinson: Will you call me before Easter?
Patrick Bateman: Maybe.

Patrick Bateman: [voiceover] As we arrive at Espace I'm on the verge of tears as I'm certain we won't get a decent table. But we do; relief washes over me in an awesome wave.

Patrick Bateman: I'm leaving. I've assessed the situation, and I'm going.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Family Guy does it again. This is just one of the many reasons I'm such a fan & have been since it was on TV, long before it kicked off with dvd sales

Family Guy Bales out

RevoLucian's Christian Bale Remix! (defo buying this on itunes !!!)

The Original Christian Bale freak out

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Book 1) The Catcher in the Rye

I made a promise to myself to be less brain dead this year. One of my new years resolutions was to read more books. I have this, I guess, silly notion of only wanting to read bio's/auto-bio's of people I was interested in or I think I'd be interested in. Mainly people that go insane, nuts, drug addict... you get the picture. In a way I'm starting to think it was some clever subconscious part of my brain, the part that only wants to watch cartoons or look at pictures, devised this notion knowing well there isn't that many people I find interesting enough to want to read about.

Anyway I part glanced at this book before, picking it up and putting it back down again even quicker. So from tomorrow, well its 00.28am so as of today I'm going to read the above book.

It's a very well known and famous book, most famous for the fact it was the book Mark Chapman read before he went and killed good old John Lennon. Plus many people have said how alike the main character "Holden Caulfield" is to me, and my general views on things.

Now... there better be some pictures......

Just checked..... doh !!!!


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Greetings from Siberia...

Last time I saw snow like this I'd say was back in the early 90's. Snowing the past few days but wasn't sticking in the city/suburbs.... until now that is. Be interesting trying to walk when it turns into a sheet of ice....

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

New Look Blog

Quick Post
Time 00:14

Just a quick post on the changes to the blog. As I'm sure you can tell there's a few changes mainly to the home page and then smaller stuff like a change in the type of front used and what not. Just felt like we are in a new year, the blog is a year old now and we are coming out of the dark winter (well it's still cold as hell).

A few more changes to come and I'll be making more of an effort to write on the blog rather than just post video's and pictures. In saying that it'll all be short text posts. I'm a firm believer of people are all visual. So I'm better off keeping any long heartfelt post's to someone else.

Flying B

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Busy, gotta keep busy

The size of the balls on both them horses

That honey that has some sciencey thing in it, some nano something or other

Dont got chasing waterfalls...din din din din din din....

stand still women!!!